Behold the Glory: Browse by Alternate Form

Started by shmax, November 08, 2007, 04:32:52 PM

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November 08, 2007, 04:32:52 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
It's a first, folks. Nobody else has got this--and I don't blame them, it almost made my head explode--and it may just be the niftiest feature to date. In a nutshell, you can now browse figures by their alternate form. I see you scratching your head, but not to worry, I'll explain. In a previous post, you may recall that I mentioned I had added a hierarchical alternate form tree, and begun tagging all the figures with their appropriate forms. All well and good, but the problem was that you couldn't see the tree, because all you were seeing on the details page was each toy's ultimate form ("motorcycle", "ape", etc). But now I've set it up so you can browse the tree, in exactly the same way that you can browse by category.

I know, I know, you're breathless. Take a moment to collect yourself. To use this feature, click on the big "FIGURES" tab when browsing around, and then look for a smaller set of tabs over on the left, above the old category tree. Click on "Alternate Forms", and off you go.

Some examples:
All Motorcycles
All Mammals
Construction Vehicles

You get the idea.

There are a few catches. One is that when you're browsing by alternate form, and click on the "PACKAGES" tab, the spell will break and you'll be sent back to the top level of the conventional category tree (which I'm now calling "Toy Line/Class"). I couldn't figure a way around that, but if any of you can, don't be shy about speaking up.

Well, that's about it. Three days of intense toil. No no, there's no need to thank me, just get to work on filling in the database, and everything will be jake. Oh, and keep an eye out for bugs--I've already spotted one or two myself.

- shmax

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