Should this be Jazz instead of Autobot Meister?

Started by Spiff-O-Matic, May 05, 2015, 01:27:34 PM

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I just got some of these little guys and the QT-11 fig is called Jazz on the front of the package. I know Japan has traditionally called Jazz, "Meister", but not in this case apparently. Should we change it?


Sure...go ahead.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Pics or it didn't happen!


Done (with pics). Thanks guys!


Hmm, it does say "JAZZ" in there, but lower down in larger print it reads "Autobot Meister".


Are you reading the Japanese text? I cannot do that ;)



Thanks for the Japanese lesson Shmax! Do what you will to the listing, I was just wondering since I cannot read squiggles.


May 06, 2015, 09:17:00 AM Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:25:35 AM by shmax

Thanks for the Japanese lesson Shmax! Do what you will to the listing, I was just wondering since I cannot read squiggles.

I wasn't being a smartass (for once); you really CAN see for yourself. Transformer names are written in katakana, which are what Japanese folks use to sound out foreign words. In other words, the writing on the package is English. Even with no experience with Japanese whatsoever, you can use the chart I posted to decipher it (like Ralphie with his Ovaltine):

Code Select

オ- ト ボット  マ  イ ス タ-
Autobot Meister


I know you weren't and I was sincere in my thanks. It's just not easy to find each character wen you're not familiar with them, then try to piece them together.

Looks like the Jazz change made it through QA. :)


Sure, just thought I'd share. If you are ever bored and looking for something to do you can commit katakana to memory in about an hour; I learned years ago from a cheap set of flashcards I bought off of amazon.

Two related pieces of information:
1. The other day when I was working on my (still in-progress) Aquarion record, I tried entering the katakana names. They're in the system, but if you try to search for them the page crashes. Whoops.

2. I'm currently working on a feature that was again inspired by the Aquarion toy (and its accursed 15-page instruction booklet): photo annotations! You'll be able to draw boxes and circles and weird shapes on a photo, and associate them with text notes. I plan to use it to provide translations for stuff like this. Probably still a few weeks out, but so far it's coming along well.


The annotation feature sounds turbo-hype... I can't wait!


May 13, 2015, 05:49:06 AM Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 05:52:10 AM by spliffdizzle
OK, so I'm now adding the figure for this and I can't find a Toyota Corolla AE86. Speaking of... I think the car types need an overhaul. There are so many sub-sub-sub levels it's hard to find specifics.

Anyway, the AE86 should either be in Hatchbacks or Sport Compacts.

EDIT: QT-12 Sunstreaker is a Mazda RX-7 FD3S, but the only option is Mazda RX-7 FC3S.


Jazz's alt mode (Toyota Corolla AE86) is 4644.
Sunstreaker's alt mode (Mazda RX-7 FD3S) is 4645.

If you come up with any other new car types we don't have in the database, if you could, please list them here and what category you think they should go under.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Fixed those guys, thanks!

This came up in a bug report, but Smokescreen is a 280Z-T. The only option is 280ZX, so I added the 280Z-T in the override text.

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