Hey guys, I've removed all eBay references and related functionality from shmax.com. This includes stuff like the auction appraisals, the price history charts, and even the watchlist feature (the watchlist will return once we launch the shmax store, but it won't have anything to do with eBay).
Why? Because we're finally getting around to expanding the site to other toylines. The eBay code is a huge hassle to maintain (especially for one overworked developer), the automatic scripts that talk to eBay and match auctions are very computationally expensive (especially for one overworked server), we don't have a full API license, and I want to switch focus from fighting with the eBay auction matching algorithm to nagging you folks to enter in your "price paid" data. I'm not sure what this will do to your "value" figures, but my hope is that we'll be better off in the long run using our own price data.
Hopefully this won't irritate anybody too much. If you guys come after me with the pitchforks and torches I can re-enable it and give it some more thought, but I'd really rather not.